Sunday, November 17, 2013

FVA's Christmas Ad-Stravaganza 2013 - Part One of Hopefully More Than One

I've decided that I want to get an early start on our FVACAS this year, and get at least one post per week in before Christmas. Maybe... just maybe... we'll see some entries from our friends along the way!

This first commercial is from Hardees.

I  actually had to look up whether or not it was the actual burger chain, or some other business which shares that name. Y'see, I'm not from 'round these here parts. Where I'm from, there was no Hardees or Carl's Jr., and so I never even knew that this chain existed until I moved to Missouri. When I arrived here, Hardees was already into their sexy-nearly-naked-woman-covered-in-delicious-condiments phase. (I Googled that, and somehow didn't get any porn...)

Anyway, it had never occurred to me that Hardees could be anything but sleazy. I have no idea when this ad aired, but I know it was sometime in the 80's. This ad is so wholesome, and it features Disney characters, kids, and old people. It's quite the stark contrast to their current advertising campaign

This next commercial starts with Bill Cosby sneaking up and yelling at some innocent kids.

I don't really have much to say about this one, except that it features Bill Cosby and Jello. Look how much fun those kids are having! You have to admire their patience, because everyone knows that it takes forever to make Jello.

Well, friends, that's it until next week. See you then!


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