Monday, March 28, 2011

Those damn laughing trees

Ladies and gentlemen, before I get into today's entry, I have an announcement to make. The staff here at Fun Vintage Advertising has doubled!

That's right. There are two of us workin' 'round these here parts now.

Jess Roz, who has contributed a couple of guest entries for us in the past, is now an official writer for FVA. Jess and I go way back, and I've always admired her writing style, her sense of humour, and her love of all things obscure. I've been toying with the idea of having a second writer for a while now, and I knew from the get-go that Jess would be perfect for the job!

Today's commercial for Sunkist Fun Fruits used to really freak me out. Watch it, and you'll know why.

These kids are on the search for something called a fruitosaurus. So far so good, right? When they find a dinosaur, they get scared and run away. Now I'm confused. Is this dinosaur not the fruitosaurus? Do these kids even know what the fruitosaurus looks like?

I imagine, though, that stumbling on any sort of dinosaur would be scary. I'd probably run too. But into a forest full of laughing trees? Hell no! As scary as that dinosaur was, those trees are much worse. It was a good thing that the dinosaur (which may or may not be the fruitosaurus?) was friendly. Those laughing trees keep laughing, though, as if they're mocking the children.

This commercial straight-up gave me nightmares as a child. Not so much because of the dinosaur, but because of those damn trees. In fact, now that I've watched this commercial close to ten times tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if the nightmares started again.

And now that I think about it, do people still eat fruit snacks? I used to get them in my lunch all the time when I was a wee lad, but I don't think I've seen them in quite a while.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Over and over and over and over and over and over: A tribute to Barbie

Hello everyone!

You may be thinking to yourself, gee whiz, I didn't know Patrick was a big Barbie fan! I hate to disappoint, but sadly I was never into Barbie. However, guest-blogger Jess is! You may remember her from her Nickelodeon bumper entry from February.

My friends, Jess is back with an entry that will blow your mind with awesomeness.

Also, Barbie stole my dance moves.

I asked Patrick if I could do this for his blog, and then I promptly forgot. Sorry, Pat! But then I logged into YouTube and it recommended some videos to me, which jogged my memory.

I was a pretty typical little girl when it came to Barbies. I liked playing with them. And recently, I've been finding myself watching old commercials on YouTube. My Barbie era was the late 80s through the early 90s, when my Barbies got terrible haircuts and met gruesome fates...I mean, I grew out of them. Yeah.

Barbie commercials from that era feature young girls, playing with their Barbies (and Kens!) in a world splashed with bright colors and catchy jingles. The commercials were all similar; there'd be two little girls, a Barbie that did something, and a song to tell you about what the Barbies could do. The commercials featured the little girls easily posing and moving their dolls around - something I could never get them to do in real life.

One of my favorite Barbies was Totally Hair Barbie, in her saucy neon minidress and long hair (down to her toes!) that you could style any and every which way. I had both Barbie and Ken. Check out the commercial...I could never make my Barbies' hair look THAT good!

She comes with Dep gel and has the longest hair in the world! I wonder if anyone really came up with such a variety of hairstyles. It's also worth mentioning that Totally Hair Ken had real (fake) hair! I'm pretty sure I ran out of Dep in about a week.

Here's another classic commercial for Shavin' Fun Ken. I imagine this is actually what goes down when dudes shave their beards. Ohh, Ken!

This commercial is from 1995. You can tell because of Ken's fashion choices. Hey, wait...I think Shavin' Fun Ken is just Totally Hair Ken with a fake beard, now that I look at it...they seem to have the same hair.

Here's another one from the early 90s, for Cut 'n' Style Barbie. I'm pretty sure that is a sinister young Amanda Bynes at the end (but I've been unable to find any sources confirming this). I'm not sure if I'd want her near my head with scissors...

The 90s will come back to haunt us, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

And I'll conclude with this one from the previous decade. From 1986...Barbie and the Rockers! Check out how they "dance"!

Ken's enthusiasm for joining Barbie's band is intoxicating.

Well, that should do it for this go-around. I think I've put off studying for my exams long enough...

Monday, March 14, 2011

PARTY IN THE PSA, PART FOUR: I learned it by watching you!

I'm sorry it took so long to get this one up, but I've been busy with a lot of stuff. I know, it was irresponsible of me, but I promise I'll make it up to you!

Today, we're going to look at the grandaddy of all public service announcements. This is one we all know and love.

One thing that always bothered me about this PSA is that the father kept interrupting his son. I am, by no means, an expert on this subject. However, if I was writing this PSA, I would have done so in such a way that would encourage an open dialog.

They say that parents who use drugs have children who use drugs. I didn't think of it when I was younger, but seeing this PSA through my adult eyes, I really have to wonder if that fact is. Just because a parent does drugs, does that automatically predispose the children into using drugs as well? I wonder where I could find some statistics about this.

As I think I said in previous entry, I really wonder how effective these old PSAs really were. A brief look through the YouTube comments would suggest that they didn't quite get the job done. Here are some gems for your viewing pleasure:

"my dad bought me a pie when my mom caught me smoking and told me congradulations"

"why don't they just pool their money and smoke together. good father/son time right there. "

"haha it probly ended like when my dad first caught me with the reefer "alright son we got 20 minutes before your mother gets home, lets see how good this weed is" LOL "

The ideas behind these PSAs were well-intentioned, I'm sure. I just don't think they were all that effective. Of course, I'm saying that without having any statistics or concrete facts. I'm using my own experiences as my gauge. It's my blog, I can say what I want!

All that being said, though, this spot is still widely quoted and spoofed regularly. (Some examples that come to mind off the top of my head are Clone High and Scrubs.) It may not have won us the war against drugs, but it certainly gave us one of the most memorable lines ever spoken on television. And really, that's what's really important!

Tune in next week, when I get off my soapbox and go back to reviewing fun toy and cereal commercials! If you love Barbie, (and really, who doesn't?), then you're going to love our next entry!