Saturday, July 2, 2011

These Are The Trailers From My Favorite 80s Movies

Oh, the 1980s. Wasn't that a great era to be a kid? Lost pirate treasure, magic books, personal karate masters, aliens with healing index fingers. Aside from living under the specter of nuclear proliferation by Sarah Palin's neighbors and rampant racial stereotyping, the world was an 80s kid's oyster, and this was reflected in the movies we watched.

We're all products of the cultures and eras in which we were born, and us 80s babies grew up in a world of puppets, aliens, and shape-shifting mogwais. We may not be able to ever recapture that innocence, but we can relive it through our friend YouTube!

So join me, dear readers, on an adventure into the imaginations of millions of kids, with a look at some of the trailers for some classic 80s films!

We'll start with the obvious...the 1982 classic "E.T. The Extra Terrestrial," the film that launched the careers of Drew Barrymore and Reese's Pieces. It also presented a new way of using a Speak 'n' Spell.

Man, I haven't seen this movie in ages.

Up next, we're going with a personal favorite. I still identify with this movie...bullied kid, love of books, luck dragon. I remember in first grade we illustrated our dreams, and my picture was myself riding on Falkor's back (if you call him a dog, so help me he is a LUCK DRAGON).

Here's another personal favorite...The Labyrinth! I figured I should show at least one film trailer featuring a girl protagonist. This movie also stars Jennifer Connelly, David Bowie, and David Bowie's package...something I was both keenly aware of and thoroughly confused by at a young age.

The last trailer I'm going to feature is another personal favorite. Starring Cary Elwes, Robin Wright (before she was Penn), and Mandy Patinkin, along with a plethora of hilarious cameos, The Princess Bride has become a cult classic (though I do know someone who has never seen it!).

There you go, folks. I'd keep going if I could, but maybe another movie trailer entry will be coming along soon...? Perhaps one with more movies featuring kickass girls...maybe my co-blogger is up to that challenge??


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