Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A tribute to Elmer Lynn Hauldren

Hello again, dear readers.

I had a really great entry about Corn Flakes that I was going to post today. I was going through some advertising blogs before I started writing it, though, and I came across a little piece of bad news.

Elmer Lynn Hauldren, spokesman for Empire Today, passed away a few days ago at the age of 89.

Mr. Hauldren wasn't the flashiest spokesperson the world has ever seen, (that title will always belong to the late Mr. Billy Mays), but he was certainly sincere about his love of quality flooring. He was born in Missouri in 1922, and served as a radio operator during the second World War. In 1977, Mr. Hauldren first appeared in his role as The Empire Man, a role which he continued to reprise until 2011. He actually wrote the jingle for Emipire Today's commercials.

I, personally, remember seeing his commercials all the time while I was living in Canada. His familiar face graced my television screen every day, be it in his human form or in his CGI form.

Elmer Lynn Hauldren may not be as well known as other advertising icons, but that man paid his dues to the advertising industry. I'm sure all of us who grew up watching his Empire Today commercials will miss him greatly.

Good night, sweet prince.


Jess Roz said...

omg, the empire carpet guy died?! :(

did you ever notice in the movie waynes world, when rob lowe is flipping through the channels, an empire commercial comes up?

Patrick Neelin said...

Yeah, I totally forgot to mention that! I noticed that last time I watched Wayne's World.

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