Monday, November 29, 2010

FVA's Christmas Ad-stravaganza, Part One of Hopefully More Than One

Ho ho ho! Now that we have Thanksgiving out of the way, we can start concentrating on the most important of the year-end holidays. That's right, Christmas is coming, and here at FVA, we love Christmas! (Ed. Note - We're going to start refering to the name of this blog as FVA, because Fun Vintage Advertising is long, and I'm generally lazy.)

For the next month or so, I'll be posting a number of commercials with each update. Consider it my gift to you, my dearest readers.

Our first Christmas commercial is a classic. As far as I'm concerned, the Christmas season doesn't really start until this commercial comes on. You know it, and you love it.

You've probably seen this commercial play a couple of time this year. I couldn't tell you when this commercial started airing, but it feels like it's been there my whole life.

There are a couple of things I love about this Hershey's Kisses spot. You'll notice there's no voice-over. There's no background. There are no loud, distracting colours, either. It's such a simply produced commercial, and that's what makes it so powerful. It doesn't rely on any of those crazy tricks to catch your attention. I wish more advertising was like this!

Our second commercial is also a classic, and I feel like it just isn't Christmas without it. Of course, you won't see this spot on TV anymore. It's been years since I've seen this ad.

Back in the 70's and 80's, McDonalds used to play a pretty active role in trying to appeal to children. They created this whole McUniverse, filled with magic, fun, and hamburgers. There was a whole cast of zany characters, and today only one has really survived. Ronald McDonald didn't just advertise food to children. No, rather, he taught them how to live, love, and have a fun time while doing it.

In this commercial, Ronald is taking a whole bunch of his friends out pond skating. As the cast of Babmi looks on, the children skate majestically across the ice. The young blonde boy, who I just now named Little Billy, tries his hardest to skate with everyone else. The problem is that he just doesn't know how. Everybody is having a grand ol' time while Little Billy just looks on. The other children ignore Little Billy, but not Ronald. Ronald doesn't actually teach Little Billy to skate, but instead just spins him around in the air a couple of times.

It's such a heart-warming commercial, which I feel really represents the Christmas spirit. This commercial isn't about selling Happy Meals to children, it's about something much, much bigger: peace and love. With the Christmas season being so commercialized, it's very refreshing to take a step back and realize that there's so much more to the season than profits.

My friends, my dear readers, enjoy this holiday season. If you'd like, how about sharing a little Christmas memory or two in the comments. Are there any commercials you'd like me to write about? Let me know!

Take care of yourself, and I'll see you again soon with some more of my favourite commercials!


Wordfiend said...

I love the Hershey's Kisses Christmas ads too (I think they do a different song each year). But I just played it and it totally freaked out my cat.

PinkChica said...

Lol @ Wynn Anne and the cat!

I always loved the M&Ms commercial where Santa and Red and Yellow come face to face and both proclaim "He IS real!" (or "they ARE real" in Santa's case) and proceed to faint.

I love the Hershey kisses too, especially the one at the end who wipes a little sweat off. Heehee!

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